Education / Training to become specialty Instructor

become a specialty diving instructor

Apnea Diving Instructor * and **

The IDA-Apnea Instructor 1 is the IDA-Instructor with apnea knowledge and apnea skills.
The IDA-Apnea Instructor 2 is the IDA-Instructor with advanced apnea knowledge and apnea skills for ambitious apnea diving.

Apnea Diving Instructor Trainer

A very experienced Apnea Diving Instructor, who has specialised in training Apnoe Diving Instructors.

Nitrox Instructor * and **

The Nitrox Diving Instructor trains interested parties in diving with different mixes of oxygen and nitrogen.
These instructors teach divers how to handle two gas mixtures and decompression with 100% O2.

Nitrox Diving Instructor Trainer

Following many years’ experience in the training of Nitrox divers, and the passing of a special examination the Nitrox Diving Instructor is qualified to train sporting diving instructors to become Nitrox Diving Instructors.

Triox Instructor

The IDA-Triox Instructor is an IDA Instructor** and IDA-Nitrox Instructor** with the knowledge and skills in the field of Trimix Diving with normoxic gas mixtures and a deep limit.

Rebreather Instructor

Rebreather Instructors train interested divers on Nitrox semi-closed rebreather.

Trimix Instructor * and **

The IDA-Trimix Instructor* is the IDA-Instructor** and at the same time Nitrox-Instructor* with knowledge and skills in the field of diving trimix gases with normonic gas mixtures.
The IDA Trimix Instructor* is an IDA Instructor** and Nitrox Instructor** with the knowledge and skills in the field of Trimix Diving with hypoxic mixtures

Trimix Instructor Trainer

Experienced trimix instructor, take over the training of trimix instructor.

Side Mount Instructor * and **

The IDA Side-Mount Instructor * (Side-Mount – Instructor 1) is an IDA Instructor * with special knowledge and skills in the field of the basics of IDA Side-Mount-Diving.
The IDA Side-Mount Instructor ** (Side-Mount – Instructor 2) is an IDA Instructor ** with special knowledge and skills in the field of ambitious IDA Side-Mount-Diving.

RC Instructor * and **

The IDA-RC Instructor* must be at least an IDA-Instructor ** with special knowledge and skills in the field of diving with individuals with physical limitations in a pool.
The IDA-RC Instructor ** must be at least an IDA-Instructor ** with special knowledge and skills in the field of diving with individuals with physical limitations in a pool and the open water.

RC Instructor Trainer

Instructor trainer for RC instructor.

International Diving Association

Karsten Reimer
Dorfstraße 267
24222 Schwentinental

Telefon +49 (0)431 7992577
Telefon +49 (0)6641 7955
Fax +49(0)431 7990950

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